New Music (sorta)

Hello all.

On 4/2/21 we’re gonna share some new music on Bandcamp Friday!

Two songs - “Nightmare Swing” and “Unfriend”.

We recorded these back in October of 2010 at Station To Station in Grass Valley, CA. with Dana Gumbiner.

Hope you enjoy.

Check em out HERE.

xoxo Sheds

Nightmare Swing cover.jpg

Live Stream Assembling Now!

Thanks to our friends at FLOOD, you can row, row, row your boat gently down the stream of our new album, Assembling, one week ahead of its release.

Get Streamy!

Those of you who would like to pre-order our record can do that here. Those of you who need even more Two Sheds can come to our album release show this coming Tuesday, May 26 at the Satellite - tickets are available here.

Welcome to Shedsite, Mk. II

In an attempt to keep up with the times, or at least Jeff Bridges, who apparently built one of these websites in the woods during a commercial break from the Superbowl, we've gone and built a new Shedsite via Squarespace. 

Yay fancy templates and responsive design!

Let us know if you have any trouble finding what you need on here, or just drop us a line to say hello.
